We continue to put more in place to make our graduates study with ease and at an affordable cost. Our graduates would be a shining example of the regon and would be sought-after locally, regionally and globally. Our emphasis on quality assurance in the curriculum, student resources and facilities is the best in the region and would definitely yield huge dividends. Our students after going through our rigourous academic programs, enhanced their social skills and other development programme, we are sure they would be empowered to manage their lives responsibly wherever they go.

The University of Ambazonia offers numerous accredited undergraduates programmes and specialised post graduate degree in Agriculture, Arts, Commerce, Education, Engineering, Law, Health Sciences, Science, Social Sciences and Veterinary Studies. We continue to increase the number of programmes. In today’s world of super highway communications, the University of Ambazonia is tailored towards an Information and Communication Technology driven institution whose students and staff would continue to enjoy fast and reliable wireless internet connectivity which accesses them to the latest electronic library resources from virtually any point in Ambazonia. This can be through their laptoprs or their mobile phones. We therefore aim to ensure all our graduates are become highly proficient in the use of ICT in their different disciplines.

The University of Ambazonia is an institution that would benefit from experts in numerous fields, both internationally and internally. We would continue to incorporate Indigenous culture and ways of transmitting knowledge and technology into our system of education and research.

We hope you would become part of the UoA community and experience “The Leading Academic Brand of the Indigenous People of Ambazonia”